Electrolux Ultra Active Complete Separated Vacuum Cleaner Hose without BEP.
Part no. 2193713142.
Now use .
Equivalent to part Nos. 2193713449, 2193713043, 2193713019, 2109598019, 2198928059, 2198928034, 2198928042.
Fits late model 2G vacuum models such as ZUA3820P, ZUA3821PT, ZUA3822P, ZUA3830P & ZUA3831PT UltraActive models without an active powerhead. Also fits UltraFlex models ZUF4201OR, ZUFG4201OR, ZUF4303PET, ZUF4303AF, Ultra Origin model ZUOG9928PT, Ultra Silencer model ZUA3950PT.
Does not include the bent end piece handle.
This hose is no longer available from the manufacturer.
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