A glass and bottle of wine isn't enough the next time you want to enjoysome chardonnay or merlot. You need some tools too, which is why youneed this Houdini Wine Tool Kit. This kit includes 4 must-have toolsincluding a chilling carafe, aerating pourer, wine preserver, and acorkscrew. The carafe is perfect for keeping your wine cool for up to90 minutes, the aerating pourer is ideal for breathing life into yourred wine, and the wine preserver lets you save what's left of thatbottle so you can enjoy it later. And, of course, the corkscrew isperfect for opening that bottle in the first place!
A glass and bottle of wine isn't enough the next time you want to enjoysome chardonnay or merlot. You need some tools too, which is why youneed this Houdini Wine Tool Kit. This kit includes 4 must-have toolsincluding a chilling carafe, aerating pourer, wine preserver, and acorkscrew. The carafe is perfect for keeping your wine cool for up to90 minutes, the aerating pourer is ideal for breathing life into yourred wine, and the wine preserver lets you save what's left of thatbottle so you can enjoy it later. And, of course, the corkscrew isperfect for opening that bottle in the first place!
Product Features
- Carafe is designed to keep pre-chilled wine cold for up to90 minutes or more
- Can also be used to chill un-refrigerated wine to drinkingtemperature
- Ideal for white wines, rose, and Zinfandel
- Stainless steel ice chamber is the fastest, most effectivechiller
- Chills wine the natural way with no plastic or freezablechemicals
- Carafe is designed to hold a full 750 ml bottle of wine
- Perfect for serving wine with a touch of elegance - bothindoors and out
- Also suitable for fruit juices or other cold liquids
- Designed to aerate red wine as you pour
- Helps to improve the flavor and bouquet of your wine
- Allows for easy aeration without the use of a decanter
- Separates for easy cleaning when you're all done
- Designed to help remove air from an opened bottle of wine
- Removing air helps preserve the wine taste until the bottleis re-opened
- Patented "Push Button" Stopper holds vacuum for days
- Features an ergonomically designed pump handle for easyoperation
- The corkscrew that's preferred by waiters and sommeliers
- Offers easy 2-step operation using an upper level than alower level if needed
- 2-step operation is designed to remove all cork types withease
- Built-in foil cutter helps remove the foil cap for easyopening
- Easy to carry design is perfect for travel
- Wine Chilling Carafe
- Aerating Pourer
- Wine Preserver
- Two-Step Waiter's Corkscrew
Item Condition: New
- Color: Black/Silver
- Capacity: 750 ml
- Dimensions: 12" x 3.6" (H x Diameter,Approx)
- Warranty (On Ice Chamber): Five YearLimited Manufacturer Warranty
- Color: Metallic Red
- Use: Red wine
- Color: Black/Silver
- Length: 4.25 inches
- Warranty: Five Year LimitedManufacturer Warranty
Item Condition: New